Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm having trouble this morning...

trying to understand how people can believe they see virgin Mary in a pretzel

- click here for the link

- or Illinois in a cereal flake - click here for the link -

yet, they can't see the ceremonial landscape all around us? What's wrong with this country????


Tim MacSweeney said...

I believe it may be the "stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own," the definition of the word "bigotry"...

theseventhgeneration said...

Yes, that's it! About 3 things come to mind for me right now that I could write a very long comment about, but I'm going to have to restrain myself! I so agree with you!

But, I will say, the country has done a great job with global warming, educating our youth on the subject. I noticed the Illinois cereal flake was found by a young lady.

Our youth are so smart, so observant. If the information gets out there, I will have to trust that they will start to see the truth.