Monday, March 30, 2009

Rock piles on a farm

I visited a farm with some very large rock piles this past weekend. This is in the Delaware watershed. The area is very, very rocky and this is an active pasture, yet I can't help but wonder if some of these piles are something more than field clearing.

Here is one of the large rock piles, with some stacking evident:

There are two piles out of four large piles in the field which I would say are vertical faced on the eastern side (uphill).

Here's the first vertical faced pile:

Here's the second, just a little farther up the hill:

This picture captures the two vertical faced piles, with the large pile from the first picture in the background.

Then, if you were to look well off to the left of the picture above, you can see this rock pile:

The pile in the previous photo has an interesting stone in the vicinity of the stacked part of the pile:

There are two places where the stone wall goes over boulders, which appears to be colonial or practical, but nonetheless beautiful.

Just uphill from the pasture, on the other side of the stone wall, there are more rock piles in the woods. The pictures are darker because the sun had already set when I took these.

The next two pictures are of the same rock pile. First from the side:

Then from the front:


pwax said...

Wonderful piles - maybe ceremonial. Was there a difference in the size of the rocks used in the piles versus the walls?

theseventhgeneration said...

The only obvious difference I can recall is that the largest rock pile, the one in the first picture, had quite a few small stones on the left and back side as you're looking at it in the picture posted here. I considered whether or not they were field clearing stones, and noticed that they were lichen covered, so they've been there a while. Other than that, I would say the stone walls and the rock piles, especially the stacked parts of the rock piles, all consist of medium to large sized rocks. There is another wall that runs uphill through the woods that is really stunning. It's a high and large wall with upright rocks along the top of the wall, which is a type of construction I've seen on and off in this section of the county.