Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mountaintop prayer seat?

I'm not sure if that's what it is, but it's picture #15 below. It just seemed so fragile, so precarious (in person). Here is a map of the area, with photo numbers and directions the photos were taken marked on the map:

The two small circles between the 8 and the 7 on the map are to mark a few rocks that were visible, but I can't be sure if they continued on to form a stone row. The snow was too deep to see a lot of detail.



















pwax said...

Picture #4 is magnificent.

pwax said...

It is a really interesting site. It reminds me a bit of the Oley Hills.

theseventhgeneration said...

Thanks! The view up there is stunning. That picture, #4, which you picked out - if you enlarge it and can see the stand of pines on the next mountain over, just to the left of those pines, slightly uphill, is this site: Rock Piles