But, going into that stone foundation (I'm calling it a "foundation" because one line along the foundation is very straight, but the rest of the structure is garbled in with the landscape), I found this:
Walking further to the south and east, there are rock piles that take on a much more random appearance, yet still look something like a grid. Notice that semi-upright stone in the near distance. If you click on the photo, you might see another rock pile in the far distance, offset from the semi-upright stone:
This picture is taken from the semi-upright stone, with the next rock pile in the distance:
Here is the beauty that was in the distance from the previous two photos. Notice the little rock on top?
Here's a close up. I took it at this angle purposely, to show the stone just to the left, with the Manitou shape:
Then, a bit further to the south, another rock pile, this one near a spring, again lining up with the rock pile with the quartz on top (that pile is just behind the apple tree in the background).
Another pile further south, this one is disheveled:
There is agrarian evidence nearby. Stone walls at the top of the ridge, something like a dam or a mill down in the valley, and a stone foundation near the old road (that one shows up on the old 1926 USGS map). So, a lot of this site has me perplexed, especially with that nice rock pile with the quartz right in the center of all those rock piles.
Confronted with a dilemma like this, I imagine the farmers must have been doing something ceremonial.
It would be interesting to find out who lived there. I could probably find relatives still in the area. That would probably shed some light on this site.
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